Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Common Art Week 1 Project Big Black Cyborg


Unreal shot with mannequin for scale. Mech is 30 meters tall

3 Up Blockout in blender

Scale shot in Blender

Reference board

This first week I focused on blocking out our mech, and since its an intricate design I focused on the big shapes and trying to get each piece representative of what it should be. Second week will be devoted to tweaking the blockout so that its matching the reference in terms of scale and proportion.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Project 1 Week 1 "Tallneck"

Project: Tallneck from Horizon Zero Dawn

Week 1: Blockout Complete
Week 2: High poly 75% complete
Week 3: Complete High poly and retopo
Week 4: Complete textures and composition

Imported into unreal

Portfolio 2 Week2