Monday, February 26, 2024
Monday, February 19, 2024
Monday, February 12, 2024
Career Goals 1on1
Artist Roadmap
1. If you could project out past graduation, what is your overall career goal?
Ideally, I would like to work in the Games sphere, I am open to educational, themed experience, and industrial training applications as well, but they are secondary. If I could find a smaller studio that paid well, I think I would prioritize that over working at a large corporate studio like EA. Additionally, I am interested in a career in education, taking a path similar to past FIEA alumni like Nitin or Noah Hunter.
2. If you could project out into starting your career, what sounds the most appealing to you?
So, character art sounds the most appealing to me, but I would definitely be open to being a weapons/props artist. I like the blend of organic and hard surface assets that are associated with characters and props. I'm less interested in pure hard surface or environment art specializations but I would always be open to them because I still enjoy doing that kind of art.
3. What are some of the top companies that you are interested in working for?
In terms of the style of games they make:
Nintendo, Capcom, Blizzard, Gearbox
I really like the stylized art that these companies often feature in their titles. I like how some of them are simplistic but very honed in on design and style.
Inspiring Reference
1. Create an Artstation account:
2. Create a collection for your top 10 artists -
2. Creating A Visual Board Of Inspiration -
Monday, February 5, 2024
Lighting Assignment 4